Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wait, Is It Greg's Fault?

Gov. Greg Abbott has been trying to stay out of the spot light when it comes to Medicaid cuts, blaming and letting the lobbyist and lawmakers take any heat over the cuts that have been proposed or even passed. Gov Abbott tweeted the other day that his office has issued a letter ending Medicaid participation for PPact in Texas which basically means that Texas will stop funding Planned ParentHood.

Andrea Greer the author of this article Gov. Abbott pulls Medicaid Funds from Texas Planned Parenthoods is against defunding Planned Parenthood and uses quite a bit of evidence to persuade you to agree with her. And i would say it works. She talks about how Planned Parenthoods that are funded my medicaid do not perform abortions but really just provide health care to women who have no where else to go. She also mentions the Centre for Medical Progress which is ran by a known anti-abortion activist, that produced some deceptive videos that resulted in Texas Health and Human Services to investigate Planned Parenthoods. Andrea uses a good amount of factual background and other sources to portray her idea on the topic. I would say she has a well written, biased albeit, article that promotes not defunding planned parent hood on the basis that it helps women all over texas with more than just abortions.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Made in China

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a free trade agreement being proposed by President Obama that would directly connect Texas and the US economy to 11 nations; Austrailia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japen, Malayasia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. In this Article An International trade pact with big implications here in Texas the author is obviously a supporter of President Obama and the newest free trade agreement. They talk about how it is a "historic deal" and how it will build on the states increasing importance in global trade. She plays in on the 'eco-friendly"crowd by mentioning that if the agreement passes through Congress that it will "bring these nations closer to U.S. labor and environmental standards. That not only help workers and nature but also helps make sure that those nations dont have an unfair economic advantage". The author seems to be credible and uses statistics to further their point. They are also realistic though and mention how there are downfalls to any free trade agreement but declines to explain what specific downfalls there might be. Providing more facts on how it would be good for Texas and none to basically zero facts on how it would be bad. They also mention how Republican contender Donald Trump believes it is a terrible idea but again fails to expand on that any more. Seems to me that the author has written a biased article trying to portray the good things about a freetrade agreement and none of the bad things.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Its not Greg's Fault

Gov. Greg Abbott is letting lawmakers and lobbyists take any heat that might come from the cuts that were recently made to Medicaid which impacted disabled children and elderly children. Abbott has just deflected questions involving these cuts and blames the legislators who ordered up the cuts in there two year plan. In the article from the Dallas Morning News it talks about how Texas wants to cut 350 million in just therapy pay outs. They say it is to make Medicaid more reliable and to make it more resistant to fraud and also just harder to get so that the state doesn't have to pay so much money. Texas is among 19 states that chose to cut Medicaid spending and make it more difficult to be granted Medicaid in 2015. Lt. Gov Dan Patrick will also decline to state anything. There is another meeting later this week which is supposed to make the rate cuts less substantial.